ProjectViaduct Črni Kal, Slovenia
LocationHighway A10 Koper – Lendava, Slovenia
InvestorDARS d.d., Celje
Motorway Company in the Republic of Slovenia
ClientJV ČRNI KAL (SCT d.d., PRIMORJE d.d.)
Special ServicesComputational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis
Bridge Dynamic Wind Analysis
Coordination of wind-tunnel tests
Wind protection design
Length1065.0 m
Span arrangement80.0 + 120.0 + 3 x 140.0 + 120.0 + 75.0 + 60.0 + 3 x 50.0 + 40.0 = 1065.0 m
Total width2 x 13.3 m
Pier heightUp to 95.0 m
Type of foundationsDeep on up to 18 m deep wells and piles, diameter 1.20 m
SuperstructurePrestressed concrete box girder
Construction technologyBalanced cantilever method Prize
AuthorsMarjan PIPENBAHER, M. Civil Eng.
Janez KOŽELJ, M. Arch.